Social Justice

In our county schools:

  • Black students are 5x more likely to be suspended than white students.
  • Native students make up 6% of the school district population but 10% of out-of-school suspensions and 32% of expulsions. 

In our city schools:

  • Hispanic students are, on average, academically 1.4 grades behind White students.
  • Students with Disabilities make up 13.5% of the student population but 28.1% of out-of-school suspensions and 54.5% of referrals to law enforcement.
  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color represent 36% of the district population but 55% of expulsions.


The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Klamath County Social Justice Committee invites you to engage with us as we start a direct action campaign. If you have any questions please  contact Courtney Neubauer, Social Justice Committee Chair, at or (541) 238-2181‬. Please also sign up for our email list below so that we can keep you informed.


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